Lately we often hear how bad the retail scene in HK has become, and indeed a stroll down main thoroughfares around town reveals just how many boarded up vacant shops there are
過去數年,烏克蘭及中東戰爭導致的歐洲資本外流,加上香港新的政治環境,令市場對新加坡資產的投資需求大大飆升,以致如下類別的新聞頭條不絕於目: . 馬雲妻子斥資3700萬美元購買新加坡丹戎巴葛商舖 . 橋水基金創立人達利奧與億萬富翁搶購新加坡商舖 . 新加坡商舖—比第五大道更熱門? 前兩個頭條尚可理解為 …
The combined favourable factors from capital flight due to the Ukraine/Middle East wars and HK’s new national security legislation regime have massively pushed up investment demand for Singapore assets…
We have heard nothing other than ‘we are buying Niseko ski flat’ or ‘our fund is adding Tokyo hotel’ for the past few months, as if the rest of the world is all in the dog house…